Become a Member/Renew Your Membership
By becoming a member of the Lake County Republican Federation, you are committing more than your name to our list of supporters. Your involvement is crucial to our success – and we very much need your time, talent and treasure to help make a difference in electing Republicans from the Courthouse to the White House!
- Platinum Circle ($1,000 and up) – Earns two tickets to the Chairman’s Platinum Reception, two admissions into Leadership Council breakfast, a specially designed keepsake, and special introductions at events.
- Gold Circle ($500) – Earns one ticket to the Chairman’s Platinum Reception, two admissions into Leadership Council breakfast, a gold elephant pin, and special recognition in event programs.
- Silver Circle ($250) – Earns one admission into Leadership Council breakfast, a silver elephant pin, and recognition in event programs.
- Bronze Circle ($100) – Earns one admission into Leadership Council breakfast, a bronze elephant pin, and recognition in event programs.
- Red, White and Blue Circle ($50) – Earns a red, white and blue elephant pin.
- GOP Circle (up to $25)- Earns all Federation communications.
By providing your contact information below you are also authorizing us to add you to our mailing lists, and to contact you by telephone if necessary. To join the Federation, please complete the following form and pay for your chosen membership level below.